Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Skipping breakfast can give you high blood sugar

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If you are among those who skips breakfast to lose weight, hear this. All that you end up losing is your health and happiness. Nutrition experts insist that a filling breakfast actually helps you lose weight by curbing hunger through the day.
As the body goes without food through the night, a whole morning without nourishment weakens the system. Blood sugar is disrupted and insulin output is affected. You also tend to binge eat at odd hours or gorge on junk food later in the evening when low metabolism slows down digestion, leading to extra weight gain. Skipping breakfast brings down your energy level, leaveing you unfocused and craving for food whole day. They suggest a full meal first thing in the morning, complete with carbohydrates, protein and fibre that comes from cereals, eggs, fruits and milk etc.
At all costs its imperative to avoid deep fried food, preserved food, left over foods, high sugar foods such as cakes and pastries. They also advise against just a glass of juice. Brown bread is recommended over white bread. Research has also shown that breakfast skippers are heavier and unhealthier than those who have a fresh, healthy meal.

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