Friday, December 7, 2012

Tweets land man in jail

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The war between the Indian government and candid youngsters continue. In the process, freedom of expression is put behind bars. First a cartoonist lands in jail for his views of government corruption. Now a businessman from Tamil Nadu, Ravi, is arrested. His crime? Posting tweets questioning Karti Chidambaram’s wealth. Son of India’s well known finance minister, Chidambaram, the junior Karti Chidambaram, found the tweets “offensive” and had him handcuffed. The tweeter was later released on bail.
India is currently the fastest growing Internet market in the world with over 125 million users. The government has often attempted to clamp down on social media and websites for “defaming content against government officials” by urging search engines to screen information causing furor and disapproval among many.
However, Ravi found several supporters one of who tweeted wryly that he never knew that speaking the truth in India is now a crime.

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