Heart Care and Cholesterol Control
Heart Diseases and Hypertension which lead to heart or other organ failures has been on the rise for the past 2 decades. People above the age of 40 have been suffering from such problems due to their unbalanced dietary habits. Its always advisable to control these factors if you want to reduce your risk.
Preventing Coronary Diseases
When there are excess deposits of fat, cholesterol or other substances in the inner wall of arteries, the arteries narrow and harden into a condition known as astherosclerosis, the most common cause of heart trouble. A planned diet and regular exercise are the key to prevent atheroclerosis.
Friendly and Unfriendly FATS
FAT should not exceed 30 per cent of your total calorie intake, which includes
Mono-unsaturated fats that lower cholesterol
as well as prevent formation of blood clots are present in olive,
canola, peanut and mustard oils. It’s best to use these while
Omega-3, a fatty acid that prevents atherosclerosis
is present in foods like herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, soyabean,
walnuts and butternuts. Take these regularly in small quantities
to prevent atherosclerosis.
Cutting CholesterolDietary cholesterol should be limited to 300 mg per day. Since it largely comes from animal products, consumption of non-vegetarian foods, whole milk and milk products hould be restricted. For example, an egg has 250 gm of cholesterol and it is not advisable to take more than two to three eggs a week.
Take healthy alternatives like chicken, fish,
beans, vegetable, fruits, bread, pulses, wholewheat flour, cereals,
rice, millet, skimmed milk and skimmed milk products and vegetable
oils like corn, sesame, soyabean, sunflower, canola, olive and
Heart disease is less frequent among those
who eat high carbohydrate and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrate
and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrates should provide at least
55 per cent of your daily calories. Foods like bread, chapattis,
cereals, rice and dals provide an adequate amount of carbohydrates.
How to control Chest Pain:
Boil 4-5 pods of garlic in a glass of milk and consume the garlic pods with milk daily to avoid chest pain.
Pound the dates with the seeds and eat them every day.
Increase the intake of ginger and lime in your diet.
Pound urad dhal to powder and eat it regularly.
Drink a glass of milk mixed with kadukai powder every night before going to bed.
Take a spoon of tulsi juice with honey in empty stomach every day.
Check your cheeks to prevent heart attacks
Now an accurate reading of a person’s heart can be acquired through a new device in Bangalore by analyzing DNA from saliva and cheek cells. The device called Jai Heart was launched by Jai Health, is the first of its kind that offers analysis results through gene detection. It was developed specifically for Indians, South-East Asians and Middle Eastern people, all of whom are said to be genetically prone to heart related problems.
The device can make an estimate when cholesterol checks, blood pressure, blood sugar and ECG fail to detect too, as is the case sometimes. Since more and more Indians are falling victims at an earlier age with 25% patients under 40 years of age, this device promises to make a breakthrough difference in curbing the disease. Lifestyle and health changes can be made after the reports at the earliest to lessen risk factors.
(Based on Timesofindia.indiatimes.com)
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